Lately, this thought occurs to me very often ... How on Earth do people go without ever having children? I suppose it is because, well, they have never had children of their own so they don't really know what they are missing.
A good friend once told me that their reasoning for not having a child was that it scared them to death to be responsible for another human being. I told this person that I thought that was a weak excuse.
If you don't want kids, fine. Don't miss out on something so wonderful just because you are scared!
It's like driving. Weren't you terrified the first time you got behind a wheel? It was something you had been watching people do for years, (much like raising a child; you get better at it as you go along.) but your hands were still a little damp when you grasped the steering wheel into your possession. Here you are though, all these years later... driving. Sure people have wrecks all the time. Think about it! Somewhere out in the big world a toddler is eating a crayon. Much like a fender-bender.... when your car doesn't look the same after, the toddlers poop does not look the same after. It may be blue for a few days... Depending on what color they actually ate. :)